prophesy comes to live


Tragic Prophesy

Comes To Live

Virgin Mary appearing in Buenos Aires Argentina with Virgin Mary appearing in Buenos Aires Argentina with prophesy

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gladys saw that the rosary that hangs in her bedroom had glowed by itself. Some neighbors also saw it. There she began to pray the rosary, and on the following day the first apparition took place.

The Virgin was dressed in blue, had Baby Jesus in her arms, and a rosary in the hand.

Gladys has received more than one thousand eight hundred messages, from the 13 of October of 1983 to the 11 of February of 1990, day of the last message.

At these moments all humanity is hanging by a thread.

Evil appears to be the only solution. The atheism is flooding the nations.

It is a fight between the light and the darkness.

The visions were daily, at her house, at different times. Sometimes people close by perceive a perfume of roses or a heat sensation.

The stigmas on Gladys's hands appeared during Thursdays and Fridays of Advent and Lent, year after year. The blood flows on the Fridays of Lent. . Stigmas of the feet appeared on Good Friday, after 3 p.m., hour of the death of Christ.

How sadly lost youth is! Drug addictions and easy life is the picture the evil one has set for the young!

It is horrifying to see that man cannot restrain their impulse of ambition and powder.

Mankind is being led by Satan to the deepest of the abysses, to the total condemnation of the soul.

Many testify to have seen extraordinary manifestations of the presence of God and the Virgin like the dance of the sun, that reminds us of the miracle of Fatima; the perfume to roses; seeing glowing rosaries on the walls in several homes; the candle lights that when burning leave the letter M of Mary imprinted on the inside. More recently water began to flow from the Sanctuary and many have perceived scent to roses in it.

miraculous scent of roses

They do not know how to see where the true sense of life is that can lead them to complete happiness. Only God can achieve it, and only God has the powder of making it possible.

Several have also given testimony of physical healings made.

The first miraculous cure occurred in 1984 when a seven year-old boy named Gonzalo Miguel who was terminally ill with a brain tumor. Father Ariel David Busso came to to give him First Holy Communion and administer the last rites. The boy began to improve almost immediately. Within days, he was pronounced to have been inexplicably healed.

In times of great confusion and so little light in the souls, my purest light will be the one that guides you.

Fortunate those who want to see pure in their hearts. The enemy will not advance.

“It is up to you to set your eyes and your heart on God.”

“I want to cure my children from this illness which is materialism; an illness which makes many suffer." Mary said in the apparition. "I want to help them discover Christ, and I want to make it known to them that Christ prevails over everything,”  She stressed the importance of prayer, especially the rosary.

Men are in the process of falling; their self-destruction is progressing.

That is why I ask you to reflect. Do not delay, for time begins to end.

prophesy comes to live



Tragic Prophesy

Comes To Live
